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Infrastructure, Serverless, Application Development, AI and Machine Learning, Session Recording, Getting Started with Google Cloud, DevOps and SRE, Hybrid and Multicloud Cloud Operations

C2C Deep Dive: Demystifying Anthos with Google Cloud's Director of Outbound Product Management

By Sabina Bhasin | February 4, 2021

Originally published on December 4, 2020.

In this C2C Deep Dive, product expert Richard Seroter aimed to build the foundations of understanding with live Q&A. Here's what you need to know:

What is Anthos? 


In its simplest form, Anthos is a managed platform that extends Google Cloud services and engineering practices to your environments so you can modernize apps faster and establish operational consistency across platforms.

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Why GCP and Anthos for app modernization?


Responding to an industry shift and need, Google Anthos "allows you to bring your computing closer to your data," Seroter said.

So if data centers are "centers of data," it's so helpful to have access to that data in an open, straightforward, portable way and to be able to do that at scale and consistently. Hear Seroter explain how this can help you consolidate your workloads. 

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First-generation vs. second-generation cloud-native companies: What have we learned? 


The first generation was all about infrastructure automation and continuous delivery (CD) mindset at a time when there wasn't much research into how to make it happen. So some challenges included configuration management, dealing with multi-platforms, or dealing with security.

Now, as Richard Seroter explains more in this clip, the second generation is taking what has been learned and building upon it for sustainable scaling with a focus on applications. 

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Is Unified Hub Management possible through Anthos for the new generation?


Yep. Anthos offers a single-management experience, so you can manage every Anthos cluster in one place, you can see what they're doing, but you can push policy back to them, too. You can apply configurations and more to make it easy for billing and management experience. 

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Serverless anywhere? You bet. Use Cloud Run for Anthos.


Building upon the first generation of the platform as a service (PaaS), GCP brings Cloud Run for Anthos as a solution to needing more flexibility and building on a modern stack. Besides being Richard Seroter's favorite, it balances the three vital paradigms existing today: PaaS, Infrastructure as a service (IaaS), and container as a service (CaaS).

Watch the clip to hear Seroter explain the how and the why.

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What about a GitOps workflow and automation - is scaling possible?


Yes, by using Anthos Configuration Management (ACM), policy and configuration are possible at scale. You can manage all cloud infrastructure, not just Kubernetes apps and clusters, and even run end-to-end audits and peer review. Watch to learn how this works.

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Question from the community: Are capabilities Hybrid AI and BigQuery available for Anthos on-prem?

With Hybrid AI for Anthos, Google offers AI/ML training and inferencing capabilities with a single click. Google Anthos also allows for custom AI model training and MLOps lifecycle management using virtually any deep-learning framework. 


Prefer to watch the whole C2C Deep Dive on Application Development with Anthos? 


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