The power of community is in its conversation. We know that the best ideas begin amid laughter and grow into success stories through coffee-fueled days and nights among friends. Each month we'll feature a couple of members and share their journeys. We want to know how you got there, wherever that may be; after all, your journey could help another take their first step.
Today we're featuring GCP Weekly Newsletter creator, Zdenko Hrček aka,
Give me your elevator pitch. What do you do? How do you introduce yourself?
I am a consultant who helps his clients to solve their business problems using Google Cloud. Beyond that, I am publishing a Google Cloud Platform Newsletter every Monday rich with news, articles, and releases related to Google Cloud.
Talk to me about your experience and education. What certifications did you get, if any? Do you have plans to add more certificates?
Although I studied material science, my professional career is tied with software development. After working for six years in an insurance company, I decided to work independently, giving me more freedom, flexibility, and opportunities to work on exciting projects.
I don't have any certificates yet, but I would like to get them in the near future, namely Cloud Architect and Data Engineer since that is closest to what I do and I have the most experience with so far.
Tell me about the newsletter. Why did you start it? How long does it take to compile? Why do you enjoy it?
When I started working as a consultant, I read that publishing a newsletter is an excellent way to build a trusted reputation. Since there wasn't a newsletter about Google Cloud, besides the monthly official one from Google, I decided to start one.
Over time, I automated many things, but there is still manual work involved, which can take from four to six hours. I go through all the articles I share in the newsletter and write briefs about them and ensure they fit the theme. I enjoy doing it because it keeps me up to date with everything going on around Google Cloud. Another bonus is that it provides structured content for other people interested in Google Cloud.
How did you get started with Google Cloud?
I was learning web development around 2010, and I developed a few applications. Still, they run only locally on my computer, so I was looking for options to deploy them on the internet as cheaply as possible. AWS offered one year free for the smallest server, but Google Cloud had a daily free tier which was more suitable for me since I didn't have extensive experience with using it and I could use it for free all the time. That was the main reason why I started using Google Cloud. Of course, since Google Cloud grew, my use of other products and services increased as well.
Do you have a favorite Google Cloud Platform product? Why?
My background is software developer, so I like and use mostly serverless products where I can deploy code or load data and don't have to worry about other stuff, so my favorite products are Cloud Run, App Engine, Cloud Functions, Cloud Firestore, BigQuery, Cloud Dataflow.
Can you tell us about a favorite project you worked on using Google Cloud Platform?
There were a few projects I was working on where data were pulled from various sources, transformed, combined, and with that, providing high value for clients in areas like marketing, customer acquisition, and security.
if you're doing something google in the Google-verse, get in touch! We'd love to feature you and sharing in the learning. Email Sabina and get in her calendar: