C2C's Tuesday Coffee Chats covering Google Cloud Certifications have officially launched. The series kicked off with a presentation by special Guest Magda Jary, Google Tag Manager's Global Lead for Google Cloud Certifications and Digital Badges. Jary and C2C's Community Managers, Alfons Mu�oz and Ilias Papachristos, were joined by a diverse group of community members including students, practicing developers, and startup founders, all interested in pursuing future certification.
Jary began with some background on the overall cloud space, reporting that over 90% of IT leaders plan to expand cloud services in the next few years, and nearly as many cite a lack of in-house cloud skills as a barrier to success. According to Jary, the prevalence of job postings citing cloud skills as a desired qualification increased by 40.5% between the first quarter of 2019 and the first quarter of 2021. Certification is becoming a reliable way for employers to find the staff they can count on to perform the services they hope to provide.
As Jary presented them, the value and the benefits of Google Cloud certification are clear. The remainder of Jary's presentation focused on certifications themselves: the impact of the certification program, the different certifications the program offers, and the roles different certified practitioners can play in an infrastructure setting.
Jary closed with some insights into the exam process and the exam itself, and then answered a series of community questions, some submitted beforehand, some fielded on the spot.
Jary's presentation provided a strong introduction to the Google Cloud Certification process for all who attended, but the response from the community made one thing clear: there is much more to discuss on this topic. If you couldn't make it this time, or you did, but still want to learn more, don't miss the next four biweekly coffee chats. On November 16th we'll be joined by Antoni Tzavelas, and on December 14th by Konrad C�apa.
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