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Data Analytics, Google Cloud Startups, Session Recording

Data Quality Matters So Much I Had to Start a Company! (full recording)

By C2C Team | December 5, 2022

@Yuliia Tkachova , the founder and CEO of Masthead Data, discovered a data issue with the power to disrupt companies of all sizes. Find out why she decided to build a business to address the issue and the tips and best practices she has learned as a founder along the way.

In this event, she and  @hannahparker  discuss the most common obstacles and challenges to data quality across businesses of all sizes, what makes data reliable and the importance of having reliable data at scale, how Yuliia navigated what she knew and what she didn't know and the challenges she encountered on her journey, and tools for success and why Masthead Data relies on BiqQuery and the Google Cloud Platform.

Watch the full recording here: 


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