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Google Cloud Startups

C2C 2022 Year-End Recap: Startups

By Stephen C2C | January 30, 2023

C2C experienced spectacular growth in 2022, and a great deal of that growth occurred in our community for startups and startup founders. Community members forged new relationships, explored new solutions, and even founded more new startups. C2C is looking forward to answering more of your questions and solving more of your problems in the coming year. For now, though, let's look back at some of the moments and the people that stood out for our Startups community in 2022.


2022 Highlights: Featured Events


At The Effective Founder's Project: Strategies to Overcome Startups' Biggest Risks, Effective Founders Project creator Martin Gonzalez and Google Cloud Startup Success Manager Hannah Parker ( @hannahparker ) joined forces to educate founders across our startups ecosystem about the people problems that challenge growing startups and the management solutions that will help them thrive:



For the second iteration of our session The ML Mindset for Managers, KC Ayyagari ( @kcayyagari ), Senior Customer Engineer at Google Cloud, returned to C2C to run the Startups community through the essentials of machine learning and demonstrated some solutions startup founders can use to implement and manage ML strategically as they scale:



C2C's fireside chat with Lance Legel, founder of 3co, took attendees through 3co's entire startup journey, from its founding to its recognition as the provider of a leading AI 3D scanning solution, making time along the way to explore topics as diverse as the biochemistry of flowers and the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche:



Finally, our conversation with Simon Taylor of 11:FS was a valuable education for startups and for customers across the cloud ecosystem in emerging trends and solutions in FinTech, including various DeFi models and Simon's expertise, Banking-as-a-Service:



2022 Highlights: Community Members


The Startups community is full of innovative thinkers from across C2C's many industries and global regions - - too many to recognize at once! However, a community is nothing without the people who belong to it. The following three C2C members made integral contributions to the growth of the Startups community by attending events, posting on the platform, and responding to others' posts with thoughtful feedback and support.


Simon Beeker (@ScottBeeker), OnlySpitters
Rajeev Bagra (@DigitalSplendid), Digital Splendid
Simon Bain (@sibain), OmniIndex


If you'd like to learn more about the work Scott, Rajeev, and Simon are doing or hear from them about their experiences in the Startups community, send them a message on the C2C platform - - or better yet, come to an upcoming Startups community event and meet them live!


What to Expect in 2023


C2C's startups community flourished massively in 2022, but the growth is still just beginning. In 2023, get ready for more of all of the above, plus some exciting new developments. In-person events, which launched at the end of 2022, will become a standard offering for the startups community in 2023. We'll also be doing more to highlight our community members on the C2C platform on a regular basis, and creating more of the same unique opportunities to collaborate with like-minded people and learn new skills.


Are you a startup founder looking for more opportunities to build community with other Google Cloud cusrtomers? Join C2C as a member today to get involved!


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